
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Today, instead of watching Football...

Hey :)

Happy Superbowl Sunday!

I secretly don't understand football. Shh. My family didn't even stay at the party we were at to watch the end of the game... So I don't know who won.

On a different note, I made another necklace today!

I had a simple necklace with lots of random recycled pieces in mind and I'm really happy with how it turned out.

I found the creepy little jester when I was antiquing on Saturday and I knew he was destined to be on my necklace!

I've got a semi-big project coming up this week, let you know more about it tomorrow. :)

Happy Sunday!



  1. Oh my gosh Kierna that necklace is flipping gorgeous!!! LOVE IT! I didn't know you made jewelry. :)

  2. Thank you Julia! :) Jewelry making has been kindof an on and off thing for me. I did it alot when I was younger and now I've been getting back into it.

  3. wow what a cute necklace, great job! i love the daisy and the key combined with that little clown!


  4. Love your about me section! Had to follow!

    And your necklace is so cute! Very creative!

  5. Thank you! It's super amazing to find sista's in Christ over the blogging world. :)


Please comment! I love to read what you have to say and I'll do my best to reply back. :)

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