
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Idea Book Collage


Sorry it's been so long. I keep meaning to post and then get distracted or very busy and before I know it another day has gone by! Time goes by so fast, don't you think?

Yesterday I got inspired and started 3 different projects, but instead of barraging you all at once with them I decided to do separate posts.

My first project was collaging on the cover of an empty sketchbook I had. I like to jot down ideas for clothing and any other creative things I want to try, and sketchbooks are great because all your ideas are in one place. Plus it's super satisfying to fill one up. :) My latest one just ran out of blank pages, so I pulled down a new one and decided to collage on the cover.

My journal originally had a pretty painting of a wave on it, but I wanted to collage on it more then I wanted the painting so it said goodbye.

I mixed up a batch of Elmer's Glue + warm water to glue my collage together and coat it afterword. Elmer's Glue and warm water works almost as well as Modge Podge in a pinch, and it's a lot cheaper too.

I pulled out pieces of magazines and laid them out how I wanted them to look...

Then glued them and coated them with my mixture. This is the front cover, and below is the back cover.

I can't wait to fill my new book up with ideas!
Be back soon with my next project. :)


1 comment:

  1. Oh I loooove collages!! Yours turned out beautiful!



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